
Liposomes in Nanomedicine


ISBN: 978-1-118-54915-5

December 2012


157 pages


Liposomes are synthetic vesicles consisting of one or more phospholipid bilayers, able to accommodate water- and lipid-soluble molecules. They are used as a delivery system for drugs, genes and vaccines in therapeutics.

This collection of reviews and laboratory protocols provides the reader with an excellent introduction to some of the many ways in which liposomes can be labeled and used in both diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Diagnostic uses include attachment of radiolabels to track nanometer-sized liposomes in the body in a quantitative fashion using PET or SPECT imaging. The ability to track the uptake of liposomes in humans and research animals on a whole-body basis provides an excellent tool for developing liposome-based drug delivery agents. The attachment of therapeutic molecules to liposomes also has great promise in cancer therapy. In addition, recent developments in the use of liposomes carrying therapeutic radionuclides for cancer therapy will be reviewed. A laboratory protocol is also provided to illustrate how liposomes are routinely used to transfect (deliver) DNA into cells.

This e-book is a curated collection from eLS, WIREs, and Current Protocols on the topic of liposomes in nanomedicine. It is a great introduction to the field for students or interdisciplinary collaborators.

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