
Investment Risk Management

ISBN: 978-0-470-09266-8

April 2004

224 pages

Recent market boom-busts have happened, and will continue to happen partly because apparently reputable institutions oversell risky or worthless investments.

Following Enron, Worldcom, Equitable Life and other scandals it is apparent that a new investment methodology is required to protect investors. Rather then relying on market reputation, investors need to be able to look past the sales hype to discover the true situation.

Operational risk management and a forensic investigation of investment provide the groundwork for such a methodology. Investment Risk Management explains

  • why market boom-busts occur in the trade of worthless stocks
  • why regulators react slowly to investment scams
  • when pension funds fail to protect their investors
  • when investors pay for worthless 'professional' services
  • how companies pay too much for management 'stars'
  • whether Basel II and IAS accounting rules protect the investor

"Investment Risk Management can easily end up buried in technicalities while missing the context. There is a refreshing style linking theory with well-reported case histories that gives anyone accessibility to the subject. This is an ideal book for the growing band of 'Risk Professionals' needing a broader understanding of their field. It takes you on a journey from the use of the Arc to BASEL II as methods of risk mitigation while transferring knowledge of valuable techniques on the way."
—Simon Lamoon, Programme Manager, M&G Limited, Retail Operations

"Yen Chong has advised banks and financial institutions in a wide variety of countries. As such, he has seen a lot of what he writes about in Investment Risk Management. He builds a strong case for investments in risk management. The stakes are high, as are the costs of risk management. After making a case for risk management, Mr Chong goes on to recommend strategies and tools for a balanced approach to avoiding, controlling or mitigating the inevitable financial risks all businesses face in today's uncertain world."
—Prof. Charles Scott, Sellinger School of Business, Loyola College, Baltimore

"A useful guide covering many real-life case-studies where substantial financial loses occurred. Highlights how best practice risk management can assist in spotting early warning signs. Concentrates on realistic scenarios rather than complex mathematics."
—Dr Mamdouh Barakat, President and CEO, MBRM - MB Risk Management

About the Author
YEN YEE CHONG specialises in operational risk management and the design of banking systems. He has been working for DSL Consultants Ltd. in implementing dealing systems around the world. He has been designing financial environments in UK, USA, Sweden, Greece, Estonia and Russia. This also included working for the George Soros-backed Civic Education Project based in the Central European University. Partly as a result of this work, he speaks six languages. At the moment, he is working on a contract focused on credit and operational risk management for the German state development bank (KfW) in Latin America. His first degree was in Economics, whilst his Masters was in Artificial Intelligence and business Expert Systems. This is his fourth book on risk management, previous books covering Emerging Markets risk (ex-USSR), project risk and e-Business risk for the Financial Times group.