
Introductory Astronomy

ISBN: 978-0-471-98332-3

January 1999

336 pages

Introductory Astronomy is a lucidly written introduction to the planets, the stars and beyond. Starting with problems astronomers face on Earth connected with observation, the text then moves on to cover the Solar System, stars, galaxies and finally cosmology. The evolution and internal workings of astronomical bodies are outlined, demystifying arcane entities such as black holes and white dwarfs in the process. Carefully structured, this text has a strong narrative thread running throughout and concepts are gradually introduced, and subsequently built upon in later chapters. The science behind the subject is integrated and presented in a way that enables the reader to gain a thorough understanding of the subject without blinding them with unnecessary mathematical detail or scientific theory. Astronomy is brought to life through the many carefully chosen examples, figures and photographs. Introductory Astronomy:
* Provides a balanced introduction to the field of astronomy.
* Includes many carefully chosen worked examples and problems.
* Is clearly written to appeal to students and amateur astronomers alike.
About the Author
Dr Keith Holliday is a senior lecturer in the Department of Physics and Applied Physics in the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
  • A balanced coverage of the field of astronomy
  • Many carefully chosen worked examples, student problems and photographs.
  • A text that will be of interest to both students and amateur astronomers
  • Addresses the needs and requirements of modern scientific astronomy courses not fully catered for by existing US texts