
Inorganic Experiments, 3rd Revised Edition

ISBN: 978-3-527-32472-9

January 2010

482 pages

Inorganic chemistry is one of the first subjects any chemistry student learns. This classic book, now in its third edition, has been revised, restructured and updated to help students learn to develop their laboratory and reporting skills.

The experiments have been thoroughly tested and safety instructions are included and wherever possible, hazardous substances have been replaced by less harmful ones.

The book is divided into three types of experiments: introductory, intermediate and advanced. This well-planned division is an excellent aid to help find suitable experiments for a range of students from undergraduate to graduate level. There is now a total of 96 experiments.

About the Author
Derek Woollings obtained his BSc and PhD at University of East Anglia, UK. He was a lecturer at Imperial College and Professor at the University of Loughborough. He has been Professor at University of St Andrews since 1999 and Director of Research at the School of Chemistry since 2004. Woollins has authored over 400 research papers.
New to Edition
Approximately 30 % of the experiments are replaced by modern and more environmentally friendly ones. The new edition will have more experiments using spectroscopic methods, which are central in the daily work of a modern inorganic chemist.