
Hydrometry: Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition

ISBN: 978-0-471-97350-8

January 1999

384 pages

Hydrometry is concerned with the measurements of all the variables in the hydrological (water) cycle and hydrological information is therefore necessary for the practice of efficient water management. Water will be a major issue as the world enters the third millennium where more than one quarter of its population still do not have safe drinking water. An increasing demand is therefore placed on hydrometry to provide the essential hydrometric information in order that the world's water resources may be managed more efficiently. The aim of this second edition is to continue the success of the first edition by including new chapters on weather radar, remote sensing, groundwater and tree ring analysis, important in extending hydrometric records. Chapters of the first edition have been brought up to date as necessary in accordance with new technology and care has been taken to bridge the gap between past methods in hydrometry. The book therefore provides an invaluable guide to managers as well as field personnel who have operation and decision making roles in water management. Contents: Flow measurement; Instrumentation; Long river records; Precipitation measuring radar; Satellite remote sensing; Groundwater; Tree ring analysis; Transmission of hydrometric data by satellite; Maximizing the utility of river flow data; Hydrometric data processing; Uncertainties and Measuring up to water resources assessment.
About the Author

Reginald W. Herschy is the author of Hydrometry: Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition, published by Wiley.