
Hydrogen and Fuel Cells: Fundamentals, Technologies and Applications

ISBN: 978-3-527-32711-9

August 2010

908 pages

Hydrogen energy is a hot topic in the goal to develop a greener and more efficient power technology. With water as its only by-product and its availability in all parts of the world, hydrogen promises to be the next great fuel source, but its production, storage and infrastructure remains a challenge. While car manufacturers have released hydrogen-powered vehicles, their commercialization is still in its infancy, due to the lack of an infrastructure to transport hydrogen safely and efficiently to a mass market.
Authored by 40 of the most prominent and renowned international scientists from academia, industry, institutions and government, this handbook explores mature, evolving technologies for a clean, economically viable alternative to non-renewable energy. In so doing, it also covers such broader topics as the environmental impact, education and regulatory developments.
About the Author
Prof. Detlef Stolten is the Director of the Institute of Energy Research at the Forschungszentrum Julich. Prof Stolten received his doctorate from the University of Technology at Clausthal,Germany. He served many years as a Research Scientist in the laboratories of Robert Bosch and Daimler Benz/Dornier. In 1998 he accepted the position of Director of the Institute of Materials and Process Technology at the Research Center Julich. Two years later he became Professor for Fuel Cell Technology at the University of Technology (RWTH) at Aachen. Prof. Stolten's research focuses on fuel cells, implementing results from research in innovative products, procedures and processes in collaboration with industry, contributing towards bridging the gap between science and technology. His research activities are focused on energy process engineering of SOFC and PEFC systems, i.e. electrochemistry, stack technology, process and systems engineering as well as systems analysis. Prof Stolten represents Germany in the Executive Committee of the IEA Annex Advanced Fuel Cells and is on the advisory board of the journal Fuel Cells. Prof Stolten is the Chair of the World Hydrogen Energy Conference held in May, 2010.