
Handbook for Preparing Engineering Documents: From Concept to Completion

ISBN: 978-0-780-31097-1

September 1995

Wiley-IEEE Press

392 pages

Electrical Engineering/Technical Writing
Handbook for Preparing Engineering Documents: From Concept to Completion

"Extremely useful to engineers … a ready reference tool to be kept close at hand … an immense help to engineers who need immediate, specific help on specific points of organizing text in documents they are preparing for publication … a work to be consulted and well thumbed … which will be used again and again by working professionals, and not just placed on a reference shelf."
Anthony Cotterell, University of Nevada, Reno

"Excellent! Great ideas and suggestions (based on studies). Good advice and good thought processes to use before/during the beginning phases of designing … handy requirements table."
Ann Christofferson, Professional Technical Writer

State-of-the-art in its simple, user-friendly presentation, this comprehensive handbook covers the entire process of preparing, producing, and distributing engineering documents using current computer software and the most recent technologies in information transfer. From developing concepts to effectively reaching an audience, Handbook for Preparing Engineering Documents provides everything the engineer needs to know for document preparation, production, and distribution in clear, user-friendly language. Extensive indexing and cross-referencing make it possible to find answers quickly. Prepared with a special focus on problem-solving techniques, Handbook for Preparing Engineering Documents sets a new standard in scientific documentation. Key Features Are:

  • Useful writing principles in engineering documentation
  • Instructions for computer creation of illustrations and tables
  • Information using advanced desktop publishing technologies and service
  • Tables of how long it takes to carry out each step in the process, how to speed up each step if necessary, and how to cut costs
  • Advice regarding liability, copyright, and protection of proprietary and sensitive information
  • Guidelines for electronic information transfer
  • New developments in the publications field, such as documentation by CD-ROM or Internet/World-Wide Web, hypertext, and specialized formats such as SGML and HTML
About the Author

Joan G. Nagle is the author of Handbook for Preparing Engineering Documents: From Concept to Completion, published by Wiley.