
Governing Cross-Sector Collaboration

ISBN: 978-1-118-84592-9

August 2014


384 pages

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“The conceptual framework provides fresh insights for thinking about the public management implications of engaging in cross-sector collaborations to address public problems. This is highly relevant for the policy, practice, and academic communities.”
—DAVID M. VAN SLYKE, Louis A. Bantle Chair in Business and Government Policy, The Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University

“It will be a critical need for many administrators involved with public infrastructure to be able to identify how to efficiently arrive at successful partnerships. This material provides sharp focus on this issue and is very relevant to current conditions.”
—DARRYL D. VANMETER, P.E., State Innovative Delivery Engineer, Georgia Department of Transportation Office of Innovative Delivery

“Managers in the public and nonprofit sectors alike will be engaged in cross-sector collaborations and need to have a thorough understanding of how they work. This book provides an essential base of knowledge and should be read by today’s leaders as well as students preparing for careers in public administration and nonprofit management.”
—MICHAEL J. WORTH, Professor of Nonprofit Management, The George Washington University

“On the basis of an extensive review of the literature and a large number of illustrative cases, this very nicely written book argues that public management has changed. No longer the preserve of publicly owned and bureaucratically managed organizations, public services, broadly defined, are now delivered through a bewildering variety of hybrid arrangements. The authors map the new landscape while providing a series of tools to aid its navigation.”
—TOM ENTWISTLE, Reader in Public Policy and Management, Cardiff Business School

“This book addresses the many problems that government faces in trying to effectively and efficiently contract out services. In a country going through political turmoil, there is definitely a need to do things differently. This book provides wonderful insights on how to better manage this new trend. It is a must-read for all officials of the Egyptian government and of other nations seeking better public service delivery.”
—LAILA EL BARADEI, Acting Dean and Professor of Public Administration, School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, The American University in Cairo

Governing Cross-Sector Collaboration provides the first clear, comprehensive, and thoughtful guide to managers I have seen on the opportunities and challenges of working in partnerships involving government, business, and NGOs. It should be required reading for those who venture into these ‘uncommon alliances’ and want to understand how to be successful.”
—KRIS BALDERSTON, Senior Vice President, Senior Partner, and General Manager, Fleishman-Hillard

About the Author

James (Jed) E. Kee is Professor of Public Policy and Public Administration in George Washington University's Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration. He holds a BA (History and Political Science) from University of Notre Dame; MPA and JD from New York University. Kee has had an extensive career in state government administration in New York and Utah. He was counsel to the New York State Legislature and served under two Utah governors as state planning coordinator, state budget director, and executive director of the Department of Administrative Services. His publications include "Out of Balance" (with Scott Matheson, 1986); "The Crisis and the Anticrisis Dynamic: Reshaping the American Federal System" (1992) in Public Administration Review, and "Benefit-Cost Analysis", in Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation.

John Forrer is Associate Director of GW's Institute for Corporate Responsibility and Associate Research Professor of Strategic Management and Public Policy. Prior to that he was Director of GW's Center for the Study of Globalization and Executive Director of the Institute for Global Management and Research (IGMR). He has an MPA from Syracuse's Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. His recent publications include "Public-Private Partnerships and the Public Accountability Question" (Public Administration Review), "Not Your Father's Pulic Administration" (Journal of Public Affairs Education), and "Privitization and Organizational Change: Lessons from Cross-National Research" (The International Journal of Business and Public Administration).