
Good Practice in Student Affairs: Principles to Foster Student Learning

ISBN: 978-0-787-94457-5

May 1999


256 pages

Sponsored by American College Personnel Association and NationalAssociation of Student Personnel Administrators

Good Practice in Student Affairs expands on key practice standardsoutlined in a joint document sponsored by the American CollegePersonnel Association and the National Association of StudentPersonnel Administrators: The Principles of Good Practice forStudent Affairs. Based on the findings of the joint study group,this volume identifies the best practices in student affairs,presents research used to define the practices, and gives examplesof how to these principles in the field. This essential guide toeffective practice is for student affairs professionals on alltypes of campuses.

Authors include leading scholars and experienced practitioners inthe fields of higher education and student affairs. They draw fromthe most current thinking and research to show how readers cantranslate principles for good practice into programs and servicesthat support curricular objectives, advance student learning anddevelopment, and enrich campus communities. In a field where therehave been diverging views of the role, scope, and mission ofstudent affairs work, this resource provides a comprehensive actionplan for fostering the education of students through studentaffairs.
About the Author
GREGORY S. BLIMLING was cochair of the Principles of Good Practice Study Group that drafted the joint ACPA/NASPA document. Editor of the Journal of College Student Development, he is vice chancellor for student development and professor of human development and psychological counseling at Appalachian State University. ELIZABETH J. WHITT was cochair of the Principles of Good Practice Study Group. She is associate professor of Counseling, Rehabilitation, and Student Development and coordinator of the Student Development in Postsecondary Education program at the University of Iowa.