
Frequently Asked Questions in Anti-Bribery and Corruption

ISBN: 978-1-119-96057-7

April 2012

592 pages


For many years, companies did not have to concern themselves with bribery; it simply wasn’t on the radar. Indeed, in many jurisdictions, companies could get tax relief on bribes paid to get business. The Us Foreign Corrupt Practices Act had been enacted in 1977, bit it was seldom enforced.

Today, we are in a changed business environment. Most countries have either adopted the OECD anti-bribery guidelines or enacted their own. Multinationals are being aggressively targeted and prosecuted, and companied are facing penalties and remediation costs of hundreds of millions of pounds. Some executives are even serving time in prison. In the UK, the Bribery Act 2010, which came into force in July 2011, represents the new ‘gold standard’ against which companies’ anti-bribery programs will be judged. Comprehensive and anti-bribery programs must now be in place, and be complied with in all businesses-especially those operating overseas.

Frequently Asked Questions in Anti-Bribery and Corruption is a practical, jargon-free guide to implementing, communicating and testing controls and procedures that comply with, and exceed the standard required under the laws. It also provides advice on the most effective reaction to allegations of bribery if and when they occur. It includes:

  • Practical advice to help business people start, and then improve their anti-bribery compliance.
  • Simple and common-sense steps that can take a company from having no compliance regime, to being FCPA, Bribery Act, and OECD compliant.
  • Suggestions for further reading on each topic, both within the book, and externally, including the URLs of many sources for more information

Frequently Asked Questions in Anti-Bribery and Corruption is essential reading for business people working internationally, including internal auditors, compliance officers, lawyers, fraud investigators, forensic accountants, HR professionals, and senior executives.

“All business managers and professional advisors need to be aware of the very real risks of doing business in emerging markets. This book provides a refreshingly concise and accessible summary of current anti-bribery and corruption legislation across multiple jurisdictions, as well as clear, practical advice for professionals needing to enhance corporate controls and identify and respond to potential problems. This book is an essential tool for all those setting-up and monitoring a robust and effective anti-bribery compliance program.”—Sylvie Kande de Beaupuy, Global Head of Compliance, Technip SA.

About the Author
David Lawler specialises in resolving complex and high risk financial and investigative problems. His clients include international companies, SMEs, and individuals, many of whom are under investigation by regulators or prosecutors. An expert in using database and visualisation software to find needles in massive data haystacks, he has conducted in-country bribery investigations in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, and Europe. He has helped companies which are under investigation by the DOJ and the SFO to test their anti-bribery compliance systems and has brought their controls up to 'best of breed'. He has been involved with the assessment of penalties on several high profile FCPA settlements.
David has been retained by companies and their legal advisors to investigate allegations of white-collar crime and wrongdoing, and the follow-on claims that arise. He has provided independent expert evidence to courts and tribunals on questions of  value, benefit, solvency and loss.
Dr Lawler is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, a Certified Fraud Examiner, a Member of the Academy of Experts, and an accredited commercial mediator. He is a partner in the London office of Forensic Risk Alliance, a US and European forensic accounting and e-disclosure consultancy.