
Flip Charts: How to Draw Them and How to Use Them

ISBN: 978-0-883-90031-4

June 1989


96 pages

Your flip-chart expertise--or lack thereof--has a major impact onyour success as a presenter and communicator. This practicalhandbook--filled with hints and illustrations--gives you the skillsyou need to use flip charts to their fullest extent.

Learn how to use flip charts to:
* Focus attention
* Record ideas
* Generate involvement
* Inform . . . and more!

Order Flip Charts today to make all of your presentations theirprofessional best!
About the Author
RICHARD C. BRANDT served as president and principal consultant/trainer of Brandt Management Group, Inc. (BMG) of Richmond, Virginia. Brandt Management Group has built a quality reputation with its clients which include CitiCorp, I.E. DuPont de Nemours, Goodyear Tire and Rubber, Monsanto, Chase Manhattan Bank, and other top names in American business industy. In addition to BMG's work in presentation techniques, it has received critical acclaim for its two-day workshop/seminar "The Business of Listening." The program features the unique Listening Practices Feedback Report. The research-based computerized report is now being used in a variety of client programs, for examples, sales, communications, and management.