
Finance and the Economics of Uncertainty

ISBN: 978-1-405-12139-2

January 2006


294 pages


Finance and the Economics of Uncertainty explores the growing range of economic decisions that are conducted under uncertainty both on the personal level, as well as by large firms.

  • Analyzes the allocation of risk in the context of the current literature, as well as emphasizes the role of information in decisions and prices.
  • Includes end-of-chapter exercises that supply the necessary tools for a comprehensive understanding of the field.
About the Author
Gabrielle Demange is Director at EHESS (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales) and researcher at PSE (Paris-Jourdan Sciences Economiques), and is Co-Editor of the journal Economic Theory.

Guy Laroque is Director of the Macroeconomic Laboratory at INSEE-CREST (Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques-Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistique) as well as a former Editor of Econometrica (1992-1996).


  • Explores the growing range of economic decisions that are conducted under uncertainty—both on the personal level as well as by large firms.
  • Analyzes the allocation of risk in the context of the current literature, as well as emphasizes the role of information in decisions and prices.
  • Includes end-of-chapter exercises that supply the necessary tools for a comprehensive understanding of the field.