
Durability Design of Concrete Structures: Phenomena, Modeling, and Practice

ISBN: 978-1-118-91009-2

April 2017

288 pages


Comprehensive coverage of durability of concrete at both material and structural levels, with design related issues

  • Links two active fields in materials science and structural engineering: the durability processes of concrete materials and design methods of concrete structures
  • Facilitates communication between the two communities, helping to implement life-cycle concepts into future design methods of concrete structures
  • Presents state-of-the-art information on the deterioration mechanism and performance evolution of structural concrete under environmental actions and the design methods for durability of concrete structures
  • Provides efficient support and practical tools for life-cycle oriented structural design which has been widely recognized as a new generation of design philosophy for engineering structures
  • The author has long experience working with the topic and the materials presented have been part of the author's current teaching course of Durability and Assessment of Engineering Structures for graduate students at Tsinghua University
  • The design methods and approaches for durability of concrete structures are developed from newly finished high level research projects and have been employed as recommended provisions in design code including Chinese Code and Eurocode 2
About the Author

Kefei Li, Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Li obtained his first Ph.D in Bridge Engineering in 2000 from Tongji University (China), and the second in Material Science from Ecole des Ponts, ParisTech (France) in 2002. He began his professional life as a civil engineering consultant in OXAND S.A. (France) and transferred to Tsinghua University taking a teaching-research position in 2004.  His research interests include durability mechanisms of structural concretes, durability design of concrete structures, and assessment of structural behaviors. He also participated in or led the following projects:- the design of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao sea link project (design life of 120 years); the durability design and assessment of High Integrity Container for radioactive disposal (design life of 300 years, 2010-now); the Chinese design code GB/T 50476-2008 "Code for Durability Design of Concrete Structures". He has published more than 50 journal papers and this is his first book.