
Diet, Nutrition & Chronic Disease: Lessons from Contrasting Worlds

ISBN: 978-0-471-97133-7

June 1997

318 pages

This book summarises the current state of the art of our understanding of the problem of non-communicable diseases and their primary prevention. It aims to increase international awareness of the global burden of non-communicable diseases and in particular to highlight the trends in developing countries; evaluates the impact of changes in diet, nutrition and lifestyle that predispose to chronic non-communicable diseases in modern societies; shares knowledge of the growing problems on non-communicable diseases and experiences related to its prevention between health professionals of developing and developed countries; identifies and prioritises major research issues and suggest strategies to deal with the global epidemic of chronic non-communicable diseases.
About the Author

Prakash S. Shetty and Klim McPherson are the authors of Diet, Nutrition & Chronic Disease: Lessons from Contrasting Worlds, published by Wiley.