
Deals from Hell: M&A Lessons that Rise Above the Ashes

ISBN: 978-0-470-52774-0

April 2009

432 pages


PRAISE FOR Deals from Hell

"Whether you are an investor or dealmaker, corporate executive or aspiring MBA looking for a career on Wall Street, you are sure to find this book both troublesome and inspiring...it cannot be otherwise when you carefully examine a series of M&A 'train wrecks' through the same lens as Prof. Bruner, a creative teacher in the field of M&A, who has been able to extract the hard, instructive lessons from these disasters." —From the Foreword by Arthur Levitt Jr., former chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission and author of Take On the Street: What Wall Street and Corporate America Don't Want You to Know

"Deals from Hell is a fresh and interesting look at the M&A game written by Prof. Robert Bruner, a leading authority on the topic. He studies failures and from this unique perspective, teaches us the pitfalls to avoid as well as the positive actions for success. The case histories illuminated herein are worthy instruction for all CEOs and their top management team." —Tom Copeland, Managing Director of Corporate Finance, Monitor Group

"There is a very fine line between M&A heaven and hell—and it is no surprise that the devil is in the details. Contrary to conventional wisdom, mergers work, on average, as Bob Bruner documents—and the reasons why are often worthy of more careful study than what appears beneath the headlines of the popular press. Bruner drills down on disasters and successes like no one else—and leaves investors and M&A dealmakers with a truly balanced scorecard of important lessons to ponder." —Charles D. Ellis, author of Winning the Loser's Game and Capital: The Story of Long-Term Investment Excellence

"While the average return to M&A acquirers is a matter of some controversy, it is beyond question that many acquisitions work well and many work badly. This landmark book is the finest available for separating the likely successes from the likely failures." —Bruce C. N. Greenwald, Robert Heilbrunn Professor of Finance and Asset Management, Columbia Business School, and coauthor of Value Investing: From Graham to Buffett and Beyond

About the Author

Robert F. Bruner is the Dean of the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration and Charles C. Abbott Professor of Business Administration at the University of Virginia. He is the author or coauthor of more than 400 case studies and notes, as well as the author of two other Wiley titles, Applied Mergers and Acquisitions and The Panic of 1907. Bruner has served as a consultant to over twenty corporations and the U.S. government, and prior to his academic career worked as a commercial banker and venture capitalist. He holds a BA from Yale University, and an MBA and DBA from Harvard University.

1. The author is the Distinguished Professor of Business Administration at the Darden School at the University of Virginia.

2. Mergers and acquisitions is a perennial hot topic that all business students need to know.  Bruner makes M&A as a subject accessible and engaging to all levels of business students.