
Cost Containment and Efficiency in National Health Systems: A Global Comparison

ISBN: 978-3-527-62295-5

December 2008


247 pages

Written by a local health economics expert, each of the eight chapters in this timely handbook and ready reference describes the national healthcare system of a different industrialized country. In each case, the 4-5 specific policies with the highest impact on that respective country over the past 20-30 years are identified. In addition, the economic characteristics of each policy are described and, where possible, its success evaluated, discussing the current policy agenda. A final chapter summarizes and synthesizes the major points of the analysis.
While the main focus is on economics, this guide is written in non-technical language for an audience of health policy decision makers or students of health policy, making it an invaluable contribution to the current debate surrounding the control of rising healthcare-related costs in the developed world.
About the Author


John Rapoport
Professor of Economics
Mount Holyoke College
South Hadley, Ma
[email protected]

Philip Jacobs
Institute of Health Economics
Edmonton, Alberta
[email protected]

Egon Jonsson
Institute of Health Economics
Edmonton, Alberta
[email protected]