
Converting Customer Value: From Retention to Profit

ISBN: 978-0-470-01634-3

November 2005

416 pages


This book is founded on a groundbreaking approach called the Customer Management Integration Framework. Developed from a customer profitability benchmarking study conducted by the authors across leading companies, the approach makes explicit links between customer and corporate value for the first time. A business without customers is nothing, argue the authors. And if you plan to stay for the long term you had better start converting the value of yours into hard currency – fast.

Building on the success of John Murphy's previous book The Lifebelt and drawing on new thinking from the Customer Management Leadership Group, Converting Customer Value presents a model for developing top customers and exploiting them for ideas, publicity and profitability in exchange for special care and attention. It discusses the opportunities for bringing less profitable customers into the top group, and also offers some unconventional advice on what to do with the remainder.

A final section is devoted to detailed case studies of customer-centric change initiatives at Alfred McAlpine Business Services, Centrica, Eversheds, the National Blood Service and Shell.

About the Author

Professor John A Murphy, Alfred McAlpine Professor of Customer Management, Manchester Business School, Head of Development, Faculty of Humanities, combines the roles of academic and international consultant specialising in service quality management and customer retention. He has held a series of senior management positions both in Ireland and the UK.
At Manchester Business School, he has established a unique cohort of PhD scholarship students in conjunction with leading UK companies. This is the largest doctoral research group in this specialist area in Europe. He is a regular contributor to programmes at the Executive Development Centre. He also chairs and co-directs the Customer Management Leadership Group.
Professor Murphy holds five professional fellowships and is a member of the International Academy for Quality, whose members are chosen from the most active protagonists of quality in the world.
He is the author of four books, the most recent of which, The Lifebelt: The Definitive Guide to Managing Customer Retention, was published in 2001.

Dr Jamie Burton is a lecturer in Marketing at Manchester Business School and Director of Research for the Customer Management Leadership Group. He won the Yorkshire Water doctoral research scholarship, which allowed him to study for his PhD. He has published research in the areas of customer behaviour, satisfaction and loyalty. Dr Burton is also a regular contributor to the BBC GMR breakfast show business news.

Robin Gleaves and Jan Kitshoff met whilst at Manchester Business School and founded their consultancy in order to develop and implement their thinking in the field of customer profitability. They were involved in a benchmarking project for the CMLG on this issue and this is where the relationship with John and Jamie began.