
Contesting the Reformation

ISBN: 978-1-118-27230-5

March 2012


240 pages


Contesting the Reformation provides a comprehensive survey of the most influential works in the field of Reformation studies from a comparative, cross-national, interdisciplinary perspective.

  • Represents the only English-language single-authored synthetic study of Reformation historiography
  • Addresses both the English and the Continental debates on Reformation history
  • Provides a thematic approach which takes in the main trends in modern Reformation history
  • Draws on the most recent publications relating to Reformation studies
  • Considers the social, political, cultural, and intellectual implications of the Reformation and the associated literature
About the Author

C. Scott Dixon is Senior Lecturer at Queen's University, Belfast. He is the author of numerous books and articles on early modern religious history, including The Reformation and Rural Society (1996), The Reformation in Germany (2002), and Protestants: a History from Wittenberg to Pennsylvania, 1517-1740 (2010).