
Compact Semiconductor Lasers


This book brings together in a single volume a unique contribution by top experts from around the
world in the field of compact semiconductor lasers in order to provide a comprehensive description
and analysis of the current status as well as future directions in the field of micro- and nano-scale
semiconductor lasers.

It is organized according to the various forms of micro- or nano-laser cavity configuration with each
chapter discussing key technical issues, including semiconductor carrier recombination processes and
optical gain dynamics, photonic confinement behavior and output coupling mechanisms, carrier transport
considerations relevant to the injection process- and emission mode control.

From the contents:

• Nano-scale metallo-dielectric coherent light sources

• Optically pumped semiconductor photonic crystal lasers

• Electrically pumped photonic crystal lasers: laser diodes and quantum cascade lasers

• Photonic crystal VCSELs

• III- V compact lasers integrated onto silicon (SOI)

• Semiconductor micro-ring lasers

• Nonlinearity in Semiconductor micro-ring lasers

About the Author
Richard De La Rue is Research Professor of Optoelectronics at Glasgow University. His current research is concerned with photonic crystal and photonic wire structures - as well as with with waveguide micro-cavities and with meta-materials. Interests also include compact lasers, photonic-crystal LEDs and photonic integrated circuits (PICs).
Siyuan Yu is Professor of Photonic Information Systems at the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Bristol, UK and a Special Expert Professor at the State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China. His research has been mainly concerned with integrated photonic components and their applications in optical communications systems.
Jean-Michel Lourtioz is Director of Research at the "Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique" (CNRS, France). Since 1976, his research work with the "Institut d'Electronique Fondamentale" (IEF) at Paris-Sud University has covered a variety of topics including semiconductor lasers, fast optoelectronics, semiconductor nanostructures, photonic crystals and metamaterials