
Collected Works of Jaroslav Hájek: With Commentary

"Hájek was undoubtedly a statistician of enormous power who, in his relatively short life, contributed fundamental results over a wide range of topics..." V. Barnett, University of Nottingham.

Hájek's writings in statistics are not only seminal but form a powerful unified body of theory. This is particularly the case with his studies of non-parametric statistics. His book "The Theory of Rank Test", with ?idák, was described by W. Hoeffding as almost the last word on the subject. Hájek's work still has great importance today, for example his research has proved highly relevant to recent investigations on bootstrap diagnostics. Much of Hájek's work is scattered through the literature and some of it quite inaccessible, existing only in the original Czech version. This book provides a valuable unified text of the collective works of Hájek with additional essays by internationally renowned contributors. Undoubtedly this book will be essential reading to modern researchers in nonparametric statistics.
About the Author

Marie Hušková is a Czech mathematician who worked in theoretical statistics and change-point problem. She was a doctoral student of Jaroslav Hájek.
In 2012 she was awarded by title Officer of the Order of Orange-Nassau for long term cooperation with Dutch mathematical statisticians.

R. Beran compiled Collected Works of Jaroslav Hajek: With Commentary, published by Wiley.

V. Dupac compiled Collected Works of Jaroslav Hajek: With Commentary, published by Wiley.