
Careers in Fashion and Textiles

ISBN: 978-1-405-11834-7

September 2006


200 pages

This book provides an overview of how the industry operates and describes the variety of jobs available. The responsibilities within design, technical and media roles are explained, supported by case studies of people currently working in companies from designer to high street level. Advice is provided on how to plan a career in each area.
About the Author
Helen Goworek is Senior Lecturer in Fashion Buying, Merchandising and Product Development at Nottingham Trent University. She has also written Fashion Buying.

  • The fashion business is complex and students are frequently unaware of how the system operates.

  • The only book giving in-depth descriptions of roles within the industry.

  • Other books are relatively superficial, aimed primarily at selecting suitable educational courses for students who are still at school.

  • Growing trend for universities to lay more stress on careers in fashion curriculum.