
Carbonate Cementation in Sandstones: Distribution Patterns and Geochemical Evolution

ISBN: 978-1-444-30490-9

April 2009


528 pages

Carbonate cements are very common and abundant in clastic sequences. They profoundly influence the quality of hydrocarbon reservoirs and supply important information on palaeoenvironments and the chemical composition and flow patterns of fluids in sedimentary basins. Despite this importance, their distribution patterns in time and space and their geochemical evolution are not yet deeply explored and elucidated. This Special Publication contains 21 review papers and case studies on carbonate cementation in clastic sequences written by invited specialists on the subject. These papers present a wide and deep coverage that enhance our knowledge about carbonate cementation in various clastic depositional environments, tectonic settings and burial histories. The book will be of special interest to researchers, petroleum geologists and teachers and students at the postgraduate level.

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About the Author

Dr. Sadoon Morad is the ADOC Chaired Professor at the Petroleum Institute in Abu Dhabi. Dr. Morad has given courses and performed consultant work and research collaboration with numerous oil companies around the world. His previous achievements include the development of conceptual models to predict the impact of diagenetic alterations on distribution of reservoir quality within sequence stratigraphy. He has published about 70 papers in international journals, currently serves as Associate Editor for Journal of Sedimentary Research and has edited three Special Publications in total.