
Applied Biocatalysis: The Chemist's Enzyme Toolbox

ISBN: 978-1-119-48703-6

August 2020

560 pages

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Provides clear and comprehensive coverage of recently developed applied biocatalysis for synthetic organic chemists with an emphasis to promote green chemistry in pharmaceutical and process chemistry

This book aims to make biocatalysis more accessible to both academic and industrial synthetic organic chemists. It focuses on current topics within the applied industrial biocatalysis field and includes short but detailed experimental methods on timely novel biocatalytic transformations using new enzymes or new methodologies using known enzymes. The book also features reactions that are "expanding and making the enzyme toolbox available to chemists"—providing readers with comprehensive methodology and detailed key sourcing information of a wide range of enzymes.

Chapters in Applied Biocatalysis: The Chemist's Enzyme Toolbox are organized by reaction type and feature a short introductory section describing the current state of the art for each example. Much of the book focuses on processes for which the enzymes are commercially available so that organic chemists can synthesize appropriate quantities of chemicals with available materials in a standard chemical laboratory. Where non-commercial biocatalysts are used, sufficient details have been included so that the reader can either prepare them or source them through a bespoke enzyme provider.

  • The initial chapter focuses on state-of-the-art directed evolution technology that is currently applied by GSK for industrial enzyme improvement
  • Chapter 2 provides a detailed survey of currently available enzymes and service providers for all aspects required for bioprocess development

The remaining 11 chapters offer:

  • Experimental methods on novel biocatalytic transformations using new enzymes or new methodology using known enzymes
  • Cover the hot topics of enzyme and chemoenzymatic cascades and biocatalysis in flow

Edited by noted experts from both academia and industry with years of experience in the field of biocatalysis — particularly, the industrial applications of enzymes.

About the Author

John Whittall, PhD, works at the Centre of Excellence for Biocatalysis, Biotransformations and Biocatalytic Manufacture (CoEBio3), Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, University of Manchester, UK.

Peter W. Sutton, PhD, was Scientific Investigator, GlaxoSmithKline Research and Development Limited, UK, now R&D Director at GlycoScience S.L., Barcelona, Spain.