
Alternatives to the High Cost of Litigation

Print ISSN: 1549-4373

Online ISSN: 1549-4381


Founded in 1979 as the Center for Public Resources, the International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution's mission is to spearhead innovation and promote excellence in public and private dispute resolution, and to serve as a primary multinational resource for avoidance, management and resolution of business-related and other disputes. To fulfill its mission, the Institute is engaged in an integrated agenda of research and development, education, advocacy and dispute resolution. It is the leading proponent of ADR that is managed by the parties and a highly qualified neutral, or self-administered ADR.

The International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution is a nonprofit leadership alliance of 500 major corporations and law firms at the forefront of resolving business and public disputes through innovative alternative dispute resolution approaches. The Institute fulfills its commitment to quality in ADR development by involving the best of the profession and academia in its agenda of problem-solving, research, education and ADR advocacy, and in the dispute resolution services it provides through its Distinguished CPR Panels of Neutrals.

International Institute for
Conflict Prevention & Resolution
30 East 33rd Street, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10016
TELEPHONE: +1.212.949.6490

Responsible for Alternatives, the highly-regarded monthly news journal on ADR, reporting on practices and issues of concern to business, law firms, government and the courts. He organizes the Institute's online ADR 2000 seminar series.

Russ Bleemer was previously law editor for New Jersey Law Journal and an associate at a New York firm. He is a graduate of The George Washington University National Law Center and Marietta College.