
Algebraic Analysis of Social Networks: Models, Methods and Applications Using R

ISBN: 978-1-119-25039-5

February 2021

416 pages



Learn to analyze social networks using R with this insightful and comprehensive resource

Algebraic Analysis of Social Networks: models, methods & applications using R delivers a comprehensive mixture of theory and practice for performing network analysis with algebra. With a focus on the study of complex systems like multiplex, multimodal, and multilevel networks, the book covers elementary structures with the genesis of algebraic approaches for the analysis of kinship networks from the 1940s.

Foundational concepts within structural analysis with algebra form the core of the first part of the book, while more advanced concepts, like positional analysis, role structure and its decomposition, signed networks, and affiliation networks fill out the latter half. The book covers a wide variety of topics, including:

  • The fundamental concepts of equivalence and ordering, including partial order and hierarchy
  • Group structure, including Cayley Graphs, permutation groups, and the presentation of group structures
  • Relational structure with relational composition, along with kinship networks and the Strength of Weak Ties model
  • Positional analysis with compositional equivalence, including Cumulated Person Hierarchy
  • The factorization of role structures with Congruence lattices
  • Formal concept analysis of affiliation networks

Algebraic Analysis of Social Networks combines elementary and fundamental concepts necessary to fully understand this field with an insightful and comprehensive treatment of more advanced ideas to round out the reader's understanding. Throughout the book, practical and functional R code supplement the provided theory and allow the reader to implement the ideas found within.

About the Author

J.Antonio Rivero Ostoic, Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University, Denmark. Antonio is the author and maintainer of `multiplex´ and its related material.