
Advanced Qualitative Research for Nursing

ISBN: 978-1-405-14998-3

February 2009


272 pages


This collection presents up-to-the-minute qualitative research methodologies creatively developed by and within nursing. The book is written by authors at the forefront of their fields. It is aimed at enabling people to research critical issues for nursing practice and health care.

Nurses face the imperative for practice grounded in research-based evidence. The book demonstrates how qualitative methodologies can produce rigorous and valid research. Drawing on empirical data each chapter introduces a particular contemporary approach; examines the literature in its field; discusses its relevance for nursing and health care; and explains what claims to knowledge can be made.

About the Author

Joanna Latimer is Professor of Sociology at Cardiff University School of Social Sciences, and Professor in the ESRC Centre for the Economic and Social Aspects of Genomics. She has been researching medical knowledge and practice ethnographically for 30 years.

* an advanced level research book specifically for post-graduate nurses
* contributions from international authors at the front-line of nursing academia
* elucidates the new, more complex methodologies
* offers a bridge between nursing and social science
* builds on our reputation of publishing high quality nursing research publications