
A Girl's Guide to Being Fearless: How to Find Your Brave

ISBN: 978-0-857-08861-1

November 2020


240 pages



It's a tiny word for a BIG emotion.

As growing up has become faster and more furious, fear has sunk its teeth into far too many young people, causing an epidemic of anxiety, stress and worry.

Here's the thing: apart from the occasional 'low', your life is supposed to be EPIC. A 4000-week blaze of glory!

It's time to turn the tables, rise above the panic and fight back. Reading A Girl's Guide to Being Fearless will show you how.

This gem of a book is a gathering of life's cheat codes, put together with girls in mind. All simple. All do-able. And now… all YOURS.

It will help you to:

  • Boost your confidence and smash through self-limiting beliefs
  • Light up the people around you and attract brilliant things into your life
  • Be a class act, on and off-line
  • Bounce back when the lows get reeeeeally low!
  • Love the skin you're in
  • Be excited for your future

In short, it'll help you find your BRAVE.

And hey, pssst, whisper it quietly… but it might even change your life.

About the Author

Suzie Lavington is a trainer and coach with The Art of Brilliance. Suzie is committed to showing people that their potential really does stretch to infinity and beyond, and runs workshops on self-esteem for young people.

Andy Cope's day job is as the UK's first official 'Dr of Happiness' - which gives him a strong media platform on all things 'happiness' and ‘wellbeing’. Andy has written various best-selling personal development books, and founded 'Art of Brilliance' in 2004. His aim, to blaze a new trail – one that was totally rooted in the real world and that would make a massive and immediate impact on individuals and organisations.