Articles & Insights

Maximize the Value of Your Marketing Content: Unlock the Power of Repurposing

Want to make your content work better for you? The concept of repurposing your content isn’t new. But simply copying and pasting your content into a different format won’t cut it. 

Repurposing is about maximizing the value of your content and creating connections through formats your audience trusts and prefers. So how do you go about it?

You’ll need to take your relevant content and pick out the essentials and focuses of the original content. Present it in a fresh and compelling way that your audience will engage with, such as a webinar, podcast, social media, eBook, or infographic.

Content repurposing allows your content to reach larger audiences and create better content distribution. This creates a better ROI allowing new audiences and customers to engage with your brand while saving time and effort. 

Making Old Content New

When building brand recognition and loyalty, consistency is key. Repurposing ensures that your message remains consistent while adapting to unique platforms. 

You can make your old content new with additional research articles, updated information, the addition of expert insights, and more.

You might also consider supplementing your content with additional touchpoints. For example, turn your webinar into an eBook or supplement your virtual event with an expert insights whitepaper. These new touchpoints allow for more engagement and new leads to connect with your content. 

How can we help you repurpose your marketing content?

The best strategy is to carry a similar message across all touchpoints. Create recurring projects with our team so your messages and brands are reinforced around your topics and research. 

We’ll also help you reach your target audience through the most relevant channels, enabling you to re-engage with your target audience and capture new leads with your repurposed content. 

Create a hub for all your content! 

Got multiple pieces of content centered around one topic or idea? Our team will help you create a dedicated resource and site for your content. A Knowledge Hub builds education and awareness, while our subject matter experts support ongoing learning and continuous re-engagement. 

Find out how we worked to create a 2-year custom hub. Download the case study to learn more.

Where content is king, repurposing your content and messages allows for a smarter and more efficient way to reach and engage with your target audience. Speak to a Wiley expert about your content strategy.
