
Through the Paper Curtain: Insiders and Outsiders in the New Europe

ISBN: 978-1-405-10294-0

September 2003


224 pages

As the EU and NATO prepare to enlarge, this volume assesses the likely impact on new member states and their neighbours remaining outside these two organizations. Through a combination of thematic and case study chapters it discusses the economic and security implications of enlargement for both ‘insiders’ and ‘outsiders’.

  • Assesses the likely impact of EU and Nato enlargement.
  • Investigates three thematic areas: economic cooperation, security and defence, and free movement of people.
  • Considers five country case studies.
  • Outlines the current relations between the states, how these relate to the past and what effect enlargement will have.
About the Author
Dr Julie Smith is Head of the European Programme at the Royal Institute of International Affairs, an Assistant Director of Studies at the Centre of International Studies, Cambridge and Fellow in Politics, Robinson College, Cambridge. She has published widely on various aspects of European integration, including EU enlargement, democracy in Europe and elections to the European Parliament and on transnational party politics.

Charles Jenkins leads a team of 12 at the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) responsible for Country Reports and Country Forecasts which cover the politics, economies and business environments of all countries of the the European Union as well as the EU itself. He has a long experience as editor and author of EIU regular and special reports covering all EU countries and many European countries outside the EU as well as working for the Federal Trust, Centre for Reform, European League for Economic Co-operation and other research bodies.


  • Assesses the likely impact of EU and Nato enlargement.
  • Investigates three thematic areas: economic cooperation, security and defence, and free movement of people.
  • Considers five country case studies.
  • Outlines the current relations between the states, how these relate to the past and what effect enlargement will have.