
The Life of Thomas Hardy: A Critical Biography

ISBN: 978-0-631-22850-9

January 1998


360 pages

Turner's strikingly original and penetrating account of Hardy's extraordinarily creative life and longevity offers a series of thirty-two chapters, each of which relates the biographical and literary background of a single work.
About the Author
Paul D.L. Turner, Emeritus Fellow of Linacre College, Oxford, read Classics and English at Cambridge University, and was formerly a University Lecturer in English at Oxford University. He contributed Victorian Poetry, Drama, and Miscellaneous Prose 1832-1890 to the Oxford History of English Literature, and his many other publications include translations of Daphnis and Chloe, Lucian's Satirical and Thomas More's Utopia.
  • Offers major critical coverage of all Hardy's published work
  • Provides unique insight into the importance for Hardy of his interest in classical literature
  • Presents Hardy's character and humanity in all their complexity.