
The Learning Self: Understanding the Potential for Transformation

ISBN: 978-1-118-20676-8

February 2012


224 pages


This new book from the award-winning author of Psychology and Adult Learning puts the spotlight on the kind of learning that brings about significant personal change. Tennant explores the techniques, processes, and practices educators can use to promote learning that leads to change and examines assumptions about self and identity, how we are formed, and our capacity for change.

Throughout the book, Tennant posits that individuals can be agents in their own self-formation and change by understanding and acting on the circumstances and forces that surround and shape them. Educators, he argues, must be open to different theoretical ideas and practices while simultaneously valuing these practices and viewing them with a critical eye.

The book aims to:

  • promote, among educators and others with an educational dimension to their work, a more critical approach to their learning designs and practices;
  • equip individuals with a framework for understanding and being agents of their own self-formation and change.
About the Author


MARK TENNANT is professor emeritus of education at the University of Technology, Sydney, where he has held the positions of dean of the University Graduate School and dean of the Faculty of Education. He was the recipient of the Cyril O. Houle Award for Literature in Adult Education for his book Psychology and Adult Learning and is the coauthor of Learning and Change in the Adult Years and Teaching, Learning and Research in Higher Education.