
The Enlightenment

ISBN: 978-0-631-20511-1

March 1997


324 pages

The Enlightenment was a movement of intellectual change that penetrated every European country as well as North America during the eighteenth century.
About the Author
Ulrich Im Hof studied at the University of Basle, and since 1965 has been lecturer in Swiss history and general modern History at the University of Bonn, as well as the Director of the Department of Swiss History at the University of Bern. Among his publications are Das gesellige Jahrhundert. Gesellschaft und Gesellschaften in Seitalter der Aufklarung (1982) and Geschichte der Schweiz (1987).
* A clear account of the founding movement of the modern world.
* Wide-ranging with England, Scotland and Ireland receiving most attention, plus many references to American thought.
* Encompasses all aspects of The Enlightenment - literary, political, philosophical, religious and scientific.