
The Distorted Past: A Re-interpretation of Europe

ISBN: 978-0-631-17622-0

April 1995


232 pages

This book turns the received wisdom of European history inside out. From discussions of the Gothic, Hun and Vandal invasions and the fall of the Roman Empire, through other great events and issues of European history, Josep Fontana re-examines the traditional acceptance of such ideas as classical heritage, medieval Christendom, reformation and counter-reformation, absolutism, and the idea of progress. At the same time he draws attention to the existence and validity of dissidence, rebellion and variety which are, for him, identifying marks of Europe.
About the Author
Josep Fontana was born in Barcelona in 1931. He has taught contemporary and economic history at the universities of Barcelona, Valencia and Autonoma de Barcelona. He is currently director of the nstitut Universitari d'Historia Jaume Vicens Vives of the Universal Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona). Among his other publications are La crisis del Antiguo Régimen (1988) and La historia despues del fin de la historia. Reflexiones acerca de la situacion actual de le ciencia historica (1992).
* An iconoclastic reinterpretation of European history and civilization .
* Debunks received ideas on all central aspects of European history.
* By Spain's most distinguished historian.