
The Commonplace Book of Sir Thomas Duppa

ISBN: 978-1-119-08599-7

October 2015


92 pages


Thomas Duppa who was Black Rod from 1683-1694 compiled The Commonplace Book for his own use. It sheds vital light not only on how the Lords was managed, and the daily routines, but also on the personalities of the period.

  • The Commonplace Book is an extremely rare survival from late seventeenth century Parliamentary history
  • Entries describe Sir Thomas Duppa's investiture as black rod and his knighting in 1683, as well as the coronation of James II in 1685
  • Sheds scarce and important light on how the Lords was managed, and the daily routines that aided its running
  • Provides vital information on the disputes that took place over precedence and responsibilities between those employed at court and those working in parliament




About the Author

Alasdair Hawkyard is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries and the Royal Historical Society. He was formerly Co-editor and Principal Research Assistant on the 1509-1558 section of the History of Parliament. His long-standing interest in architectural, social and political history is reflected in a range of articles published in Parliamentary History as well as other academic journals.

Sir John Sainty was Clerk of the Parliaments from 1983-1990. For four years he was editor of the office holder series published by the Institute of Historical Research. In addition to Officials of the Royal Household (with Robert O. Bucholz, 2 vols, 1997, 1998), he has published extensively on the history and procedure of parliament and on office holders under the crown.