
Protein Families: Relating Protein Sequence, Structure, and Function

This book describes approaches for recognizing and classifying proteins into families of evolutionary related proteins. Reviewing all the major resources for classifying protein families, the book combines descriptions of general philosophies of protein family classification systems with detailed descriptions and examples of selected families found in different biological systems. Scientists in diverse areas of biology and protein science will learn how to use the various resources and databases and gain valuable insight into how proteins evolve and how new functional repertoires emerge.
About the Author

CHRISTINE ORENGO, PhD, is Professor of Bioinformatics at University College London. Dr. Orengo's research focuses on protein structure comparison, classification, and analysis. Her group develops the CATH domain family classification and algorithms for predicting protein functions and functional networks.

ALEX BATEMAN, PhD, is Senior Investigator at Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, where he leads the Pfam database project. Dr. Bateman also participates in the European InterPro project, which seeks to merge the annotations from Pfam, PRINTS, Prosite, and other domain databases.