
Personality-Guided Therapy

ISBN: 978-0-471-52807-4

July 1999

792 pages

Praise for Personality-Guided Therapy

"A comprehensive, innovative approach to the treatment of syndromaland personality disorders. This volume is a 'must read' forstudents as well as mental health professionals."--Aaron T. Beck,MD, University Professor of Psychiatry, School of Medicine,University of Pennsylvania

"[Millon] masterfully integrates disparate systems ofpsychotherapy, as well as personality theory and clinical practice,in reminding us that psychotherapy is not, and never will be, adisembodied treatment of simple disorders, but rather texturedinterpersonal relationships with complex people. Brilliant inconcept and amazing in scope!"--John C. Norcross, PhD, Universityof Scranton, President-elect, APA Division of Psychotherapy

"His freshly conceived focus on tailoring treatment modalities tofit individual patient's personality pattern adds an important newdimension to the psychological intervention literature."--Irving B.Weiner, PhD, University of South Florida

"[This book] provides par excellence the type of integrativethinking clinicians need, our training program should utilize, andour field is striving for."--John F. Clarkin, PhD, New YorkHospital, Cornell Medical Center

"Students of various disciplines, as well as seasoned mental healthprofessionals, will undoubtedly return again and again to thisvolume to glean a deeper understanding of personality functioningand to develop a greater appreciation of how to approach thesedisorders therapeutically. This volume is sure to prove a classicin the field."--Jeffrey J. Magnavita, PhD, ABPP, Connecticut Centerfor Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy
About the Author

THEODORE MILLON is Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard University and Professor of Psychology at the University of Miami. Recognized as the leading authority on personality disorders, Dr. Millon is the author of many influential publications, including Toward a New Personology: An Evolutionary Model and Personality and its Disorders: A Biosocial Learning Approach, both published by Wiley; as well as Clinical Multiaxial Inventory II Manual and Theories of Personality and Psychopathology