
HTML in 10 Simple Steps or Less

ISBN: 978-0-764-54123-0

December 2003

576 pages

The more than 300 concisely written step-by-step tasks provide readers with easy to read and easy to use solutions to quickly create a wide range of web pages. Readers can accomplish more with this book than any other step-by-step book on the market. The two-page spread format for each task and two color presentation is also unique for a book this comprehensive. By focusing on procedures and results and limiting background and theory to a bare minimum preceding each set of steps, HTML Web Design in 10 Steps or Less provides readers with a rare combination of comprehensiveness and ease of use.
About the Author
ROBERT G. FULLER is a Senior Developer for Site59, Inc., a travel-related site. He now runs his own shop in Philadelphia and has taken his experience into the classroom, training designers at schools including Pratt Institute and Temple University. Fuller is also the author of and contributor to several books on computers, software, and Web design.

LAURIE ANN ULRICH is a Web designer whose company, Limehat & Company, Inc., provides Web hosting, design, and Web-master services to growing businesses and nonprofit organizations. Ulrich has also authored, coauthored, and contributed to more than twenty-five books on desktop applications, graphics and illustration, and Web design.