
European Spatial Research and Planning

ISBN: 978-1-558-44177-4

June 2008

304 pages

This third volume in a series of investigations of spatial planning, research, and policy in Europe taps into the treasure trove of research that is ESPON, the European Spatial Planning Observation Network, which has yielded a plethora of studies on the real and anticipated outcomes of European territorial policy. The chapters provide a comprehensive view of how the search for evidence to support the agenda of the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP)—now the Territorial Agenda—has proceeded, what the evidence and implications have been, and what other conclusions could have been drawn. The authors demonstrate that a learning exercise like ESPON can contribute to shaping a political agenda, which could serve as a source of inspiration for fellow planners across the Atlantic. Includes more than 20 color maps and other figures