
Dynamical Systems Method and Applications: Theoretical Developments and Numerical Examples

ISBN: 978-1-118-19959-6

January 2012

576 pages

Dynamical Systems Method (DSM) is a powerful general method for solving operator equations. These equations can be linear or nonlinear, well-posed or ill-posed. The book presents a systematic development of the DSM, and theoretical results are illustrated by a number of numerical examples, which are of independent interest. These include: stable differentiation of noisy data, stable solution of ill-conditioned linear algebraic systems, stable solution of Fredholm and Volterra integral equations of the first kind, stable inversion of the Laplace transform from the real axis, solution of nonlinear integral equations, and other examples.
About the Author
Alexander G. Ramm, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Kansas State University. Dr. Ramm serves as associate editor for several journals.

Nguyen S. Hoang, PhD, is Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Oklahoma. He has published numerous journal articles in the areas of numerical analysis, operator theory, ordinary and partial differential equations, optimization, and inverse and ill-posed problems.