
Dinner for Architects

ISBN: 978-0-393-73154-5

May 2004

*Norton agency titles

64 pages

The spontaneous sketch, drawn when occasion offers on whatever comes to hand, is a trademark of the architect's creativity. On the occasion of the opening of the museum of architecture in the Gallery of Modern Art in Munich, the museum director asked architects of international standing to sketch their personal greetings and congratulations on a paper napkin. These napkins are now part of a colorful, imaginative, and often droll collection, reproduced here interspersed with pithy quotes from an array of famous architects. Included in this beautifully produced volume-an ideal gift not only for architects-are contributions by Tadao Ando, Mario Botta, Steven Holl, Josef Paul Kleihues, Dominique Perrault, Venturi, Scott Brown, and many more.