
Classification Analysis of DNA Microarrays

ISBN: 978-0-470-17081-6

March 2013

Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Pr

736 pages

The rapid uncontrolled growth of classification methods in DNA microarray studies has resulted in a body of information scattered throughout literature, numerous conference proceedings, and others. This book brings together many of the unsupervised and supervised classification methods now dispersed in the literature. It breaks away from traditional statistical methods by providing chapters on newer machine-learning approaches such as fuzzy methods, artificial neural networks, evolutionary-based genetic algorithms, support vector machines, and swarm intelligence involving particle swarm optimization and ant colony optimization.
About the Author

LEIF E. PETERSON, PHD, is Associate Professor of Public Health, Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University, and is with the Center for Biostatistics, The Methodist Hospital Research Institute (Houston). He is a member of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, and Editor-in-Chief of the BioMed Central Source Code for Biology and Medicine.