
Accessible XHTML and CSS Web Sites: Problem - Design - Solution

ISBN: 978-0-764-59790-9

April 2005

480 pages

  • Shows Web developers how to make the transition from HTML to XHTML, an XML-based reformulation of HTML that offers greater design flexibility
  • Demonstrates how to work with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)-now supported by ninety percent of browsers and integral to new site-building tools from Macromedia and others-and implement a consistent style throughout and entire site
  • Explains how to make a site accessible to people with impaired vision, limited hand use, dyslexia, and other issues-now a legal requirement for many sites in the U.S. and the U.K.
About the Author
Jon Duckett published his first Web site in 1996 while studying for a BSc (Hons) in psychology at Brunel University, London. Since then he has helped create a wide variety of Web sites and has coauthored more than ten programming-related books on topics from ASP to XML (via many other letters of the alphabet) that have covered diverse aspects of Web programming, including design, architecture, and coding.
After graduating, Jon worked for Wrox Press, first in their Birmingham (U.K.) offices for three years and then in Sydney (Australia) for another year. He is now a freelance developer and consultant based in a leafy suburb of London, working for a range of clients spread across three continents.
When not stuck in front of a computer screen, Jon enjoys writing and listening to music.